Monday, December 12, 2011

I called 911 today....

Don't worry not about me but for my sister. My sister had a seizure in our bathroom and hit her head on the counter and the wall and blacked out. Her eyes rolled back into her head and  she started shaking. She looked like she was dead. My mom was yelling "Avery! Avery! Taylor's having a seizure!" My first instinct was to grab the phone and call 911. So I dialed 911 and ran to check on my sister. I heard " 911 what's your emergency?" I knew I was going to help Taylor. I wasn't as calm....I was crying and the lady on the phone kept saying take deep breaths clam down. But I managed to give her all of the information.Then she said help was on the way. I could start to here the sirens coming. I know she would be okay.

When the ambulance came into my house they brought all sorts of gear and I notice one of them.....It was a diabetic kit. The first thing they did was pull out a glucose meter and check her blood sugar. They tested her blood sugar and it was 90.I knew she did not have diabetes or was not in a diabetic seizure cause Taylor lets me check her blood sugar sometimes and she has never been out of range, even after eating a large slice of cake. So I was not worried about that. The ambulance took her away and my Mom followed behind.

 They are not sure what exactly is wrong with my sister. She is home from the hospital now but is scheduled everyday for more tests. I love her so much and feel so bad for her. I kinda know what she is going through. The good thing, I forgot about me having diabetes today.  So I got a good scare today. This was the first time I have ever called 911. I hope I NEVER have to call again!!!!!!!!!! I learned today it's important to say "I love you" everyday to your loved ones cause you never know when something bad will happen. My poor mom!

Till tomorrow....

Sunday, December 11, 2011


Nothing major has been going on and have not had much to blog about. Have not wanted to bore you But, I have to tell you about my best day ever. And it happened yesterday.

Yesterday I went to an event called Riding On Insulin with Sean Busby (Famous Snow Boarder with type1 diabetes) and Mollie Busby ( His awesome wife) host the amazing event every year. They take you up to a ski and snow boarding resort and teach you how to ski and board while controlling your diabetes. I had a blast! I got to meet kids with diabetes and see which pump they had, remember I am looking around. At first I was way nervous! I was afraid that I wouldn't be able to manage diabetes while skiing or I would go really low while skiing and other things you guys wouldn't get.            

I woke up in the morning at 6:00 and got ready. We drove to Canyons resort up at Park City, Utah. When we got there we had a yummy breakfast and it was super nice because the nutritional guide was up so I could do the things I needed to do. When I was done with lunch I got my snow gear on. Well, I have a kit to carry around my diabetic supplies and I had NO clue where to put it on me because I have no pockets that were large enough to fit the inside of my jacket! You have to keep your kit as close as can be to your body otherwise the insulin will freeze and your diabetic meter will freeze so that means your meter breaks which is NOT good. So we went up to Sean Busby and asked where to put it. He was super nice and told us to take the diabetic meter out and the test strips and the thing that pricks your finger out of the kit and put it in your pocket. Because it is point less to take insulin on top of a hill because your not going to take a shot up there or worrying about being high!Then we head off to go skiing and snow boarding.

To be honest, I hadn't gone skiing ever since I was diagnosed with diabetes. So like I said I was kinda nervous, anyway I went down my first hill with diabetes with a feeling that I can do it. I can do whatever I want even though I have this terrifying disease called diabetes. That is THE best feeling I have had in my entire life. We went down a couple more times down different hills and on one of the hills I felt low and I was lacking down behind everyone so my counselor decied  it was time to test blood sugar levels. I was 83 which is low but not terrible low so. I had an energy bar which was 25 carbs. then I was on my way. Then we went back to the lodge for lunch. 

Lunch was super good to I had a huge pizza and mac-n-cheese. Then Fox 13 came to interview Sean Busby about riding on insulin. Sean did an awesome job with the interview! He represented his camp great! Then we went out skiing again until 3:30. I had the time of my life! I just felt so free being able to ski with diabetes. I felt like I was on top of the world like NO ONE could stop me no matter what. My sister came along with me and supported me she was a type 3! And to remind you there is no illness such as type 3. Type 3 is only a supporter disease created by your own Mollie Busby. I really appreciate Mollie and Sean Busby! Sean Busby is a true inspiration to me. He shows everyone even though he has diabetes nothing can stop him! And Mollie is an awesome type 3 supporter who always makes you feel better! Then we left to the party at the hotel.

The party was an award ceremony giving certificates away to everyone who participated in Riding on insulin. Sean Told us about his story about his a diagnosis story. His story was emotional because that's what I went through. He is very strong and I love how Mollie and him do this. Mollie and Sean travel around the world for riding on insulin. Riding on Insulin is a Non Profit Organization. Thanks to Sean and his life with diabetes I am able to ski again and not afraid to ski with diabetes anymore. * THANKS SO VERY MUCH SEAN AND MOLLIE *, you really are making a difference!

Until tomorrow....