Monday, December 12, 2011

I called 911 today....

Don't worry not about me but for my sister. My sister had a seizure in our bathroom and hit her head on the counter and the wall and blacked out. Her eyes rolled back into her head and  she started shaking. She looked like she was dead. My mom was yelling "Avery! Avery! Taylor's having a seizure!" My first instinct was to grab the phone and call 911. So I dialed 911 and ran to check on my sister. I heard " 911 what's your emergency?" I knew I was going to help Taylor. I wasn't as calm....I was crying and the lady on the phone kept saying take deep breaths clam down. But I managed to give her all of the information.Then she said help was on the way. I could start to here the sirens coming. I know she would be okay.

When the ambulance came into my house they brought all sorts of gear and I notice one of them.....It was a diabetic kit. The first thing they did was pull out a glucose meter and check her blood sugar. They tested her blood sugar and it was 90.I knew she did not have diabetes or was not in a diabetic seizure cause Taylor lets me check her blood sugar sometimes and she has never been out of range, even after eating a large slice of cake. So I was not worried about that. The ambulance took her away and my Mom followed behind.

 They are not sure what exactly is wrong with my sister. She is home from the hospital now but is scheduled everyday for more tests. I love her so much and feel so bad for her. I kinda know what she is going through. The good thing, I forgot about me having diabetes today.  So I got a good scare today. This was the first time I have ever called 911. I hope I NEVER have to call again!!!!!!!!!! I learned today it's important to say "I love you" everyday to your loved ones cause you never know when something bad will happen. My poor mom!

Till tomorrow....

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