Wednesday, January 11, 2012


Tomorrow I am auditioning for a singing duet for my 6th grade play!  Well for starters each 6th grade class is in charge of a different time period. My class is in charge of the 50's and 80's. Well for the 80's the duet I wanna get is "Don't Stop Believe'n" By Journey. I a little nervous because first of all the duet is with a boy! And second of all for the audition you have to sing in front of your class! I am scared the class will make fun of me or something like that. And I hope my singing teacher will accept me for who I am and won't just give me the part cause I am diabetic. Otherwise I LOVE to sing!!! Singing and acting are my passion and pain! I really do hope I can get the part! I will update you tomorrow to tell you if I get the part!!!!!!!!!!
Until Tomorrow....  

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