Thursday, May 16, 2013


Well Summer is almost here! (: I am so excited! Where I live, we have a community pool just for my neighborhood! So, I basically go swimming every day during the summer! It is so fun! I also have a motorhome so we go camping a lot too! During the the summer we do lots of fun things! Lately, I have been swim suite shopping and shopping for cute summer wear! My friends and I have been tanning a ton too! I hope summer comes fast!

Unlike other kids there are changes I have to make during the summer being a type 1 diabetic. Well first off, I have to keep my insulin at a cool temperature. During the winter I have to worry about it getting too cold but not as much as it getting to hot.During the spring it is fine and also during the fall it is fine too. But during the summer if it gets too hot it will go bad. Remember, a vial of insulin costs about $150. So I REALLY have to make sure to keep it at the right temp.

Second concern is hydration. Being a T1D (type 1 diabetic) I get dehydrated quicker than others. Like one time I was in a soccer game and my blood sugar was high and I was really dehydrated. I had to be taken out of the game because my heart was literally beating out of my chest. So I must be very careful about that.

Third concern  is having to carry my blood sugar kit with me EVERYWHERE! I know I already have to always have it on me but it is a lot harder. Like for example I am at a water park. Wear do I put it? Keep it in my bag? Risk it getting too hot? Risk someone stealing it? Pay money for a locker put it in there? Lockers get very hot also! Risk not being able to find it? Yeah. A lot to worry about when I am just simply trying to have a good time. As you can see I have a lot of changes I have to make and other stuff I must do.

Last concern, when should I get a pump? Most of you know I have been wanting to get one I just don't know if summer is good to do it. One reason I think it would be good because when you just get a pump you have to stay up through the night for the first like two weeks to make sure it works. You have to test your blood sugar every two hours for two days straight. I think it would be good to do that in the summer so I don't have to go to school and be super tired. But some pros of not having a pump during the summer is when I want to go swimming I do not have to worry about taking my pump off I can just go swimming. A pro about having a pump is I don't have to worry about my insulin getting too hot because the pump keeps it insulated. Rather than having to worry about T1D stuff...I am excited for summer!
-Avery the T1D

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