Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Not a bad day but not a exciting day....

Well, Today I just found out my insurance does NOT cover the Omni Pod! Oh well....it stinks but at least my insurance covers every OTHER pump except the Omni Pod. I say covers but my Mom still has to come up with a big down payment. The insurance only covers like 80% and my Mom has to pay 20% up front. It's a lot of money....I am trying not to be so down about the situation . I am excited though to be able to get another choice of a pump. I kinda like the mini med pump because it can say what your blood sugar is. That way you do not have to prick your finger. With the Omni Pod you would HAVE to prick your finger.

In two days it will be my one year anniversary with DIABETES! WOW! It feels like it has been ten years! After a while (like a month) It feels like you have had it forever! Funny huh? Sometimes I look at people eating and think, Wow I wish I could just eat and not have to take a shot or count carbs or even prick my finger. But then I can look at someones meal and think how many carbs are in that meal.Can you do that? The one good thing about diabetes is you do math everyday so it makes you smarter and gives you more knowledge about diabetes and that way you can correct people who don't know or who think they know it all! On November 17, I would appreciate all of you to please wear purple (purple is diabetes awareness color ) to make others aware of people who have to live with diabetes and to say it is my ONE year anniversary! Thank you! Until tomorrow....

Saturday, November 12, 2011


I just got home from a birthday party. Everything was going okay unitl it came time to eat the birthday cake. i was pretty proud of myself because I did not call my mom and calculate my carbs for the cake and candy. i decided I wanted to do it myself. The party was a few houses down from mine so i knew if i messed up my Mom could help me. Anyway, I went into the bathroom to pull my novolog,aka insulin, and give myself a shot so no one would see or tease me. If you remember the last party I told you about a boy thought he would be cool and made fun of me calling me a druggie in front of everyone. I cried and it made me fell horrible.

Anyway, i took my shot and came out. As soon as I got my cake and ice cream I gobbled it up.I decided to go back for seconds and when i did, the Mom stopped me and said "are you sure you should have seconds?" I said "I took a shot and I'm okay". She then went on that she knew all about diabetes because she has a diabetic friend who just ate whatever he wanted blah, blah, blah , blah, blah!!! I told her I could have sugar especially because I just took a shot for it. She would not let me have anymore! She said I know sugar is not good for everyone but especially not for Diabetics!!!!! C'mon!!! I hate it!!! It goes two ways. Either people don't know don't care or they think they are the professional and tell me what to do. If she had just asked me if I was okay and needed any help I would have been okay. But to tell me NO and not let me have seconds. She made me feel like a dummy!

I am just sick of it! I just wish people would just let me be......and NOT TREAT ME DIFFERENT!!!
Until tomorrow....

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Great Past days!

Well I think I had a pretty good past days! I think you guys might have not know about the fake pump or you DON'T even know what a pump is. A pump is a devise that you wear on the back of your arms ,waist,and thighs. It pumps insulin in you that way you don't have to take shots!  You just turn a knob and it releases the amount of insulin. IT's like filling up a syringe and injecting it. A fake pump is a pump but it doesn't work it is just to see how you feel with something ON you. My fake pump is called the Omni Pod. There is a lot of different types of pumps. I LOVE the Omni Pod! It is A LOT easier in my perspective, all the rest of the pumps have tubing that goes in you and this one is just a small machine. NO TUBING!  This is what it looks like. The blue thing is the thing you use to say how much insulin you want and you can also test your blood sugar on it too. The white thing is the Omni Pod. You can go on Google and an Google Images type in insulin pump. There is all  kinds! 

The ONLY problem is my Insurance DOES NOT cover the Omni Pod! WHICH SUCKS! Insurance should think the diabetic! We are the ones wearing it! I wish they did because it looks nice and I TRIED it and it rocks! It is NOT fair! Anyway It is just stupid! 

Here's a conversation I had with my P.E. teacher at school;
Teacher: are you type 1, 2 or 3?
Me: Um... There is no such thing as type 3 and I am type 1 DUH! 
Teacher:  Ya there is!
Me: NO THERE ISN'T!!! You can even Google it!
Teacher: Okay then.I will Google it.
Then he Googled it and guess who's right.............ME!
It bugs me that an adult thinks "Oh she is a kid she doesn't even know what she is even talking about!" Well even though I may be a kid that doesn't mean I not smarter than you!!!!!!! Besides, I live with it. Don't you think I would know better then you? I am getting a tad tired......
Until Tomorrow....

Here's the both side by side-which do you think you would like? Leave me a comment

Tuesday, November 8, 2011


Sorry I haven't written in forever! I have decided to at least write 2 to 3 times a week. Sorry!  I have had such a busy MONTH! First of all I had a great Halloween! I had gotten a TON of Halloween Candy! The problem is every time I wanted a piece I either didn't know how many carbs was in the candy or I would have to take a SHOT! I HATE having to take a shot every time I have a little snack! Some times to be honest I would or want to sneak a little piece! I love Halloween, do not get me wrong I just HATE having to take so many SHOT! >.<

Lately I have been pretty HIGH!!! FOR NO REASONS!!! I have not been sneaking candy anymore! I promise!I have been like in the 200 to 350! But today was a better blood sugar day. Not so many highs...madder of  fact no highs! I am WAY excited for tomorrow! WHY?? I got a fake pump about a month ago and was waiting for the right day to wear it and I decided a week ago to wear it November 9! Also I am performing in a talent show tomorrow! I might have not mentioned I love to sing! Maybe one day I will be a famous diabetic singer like Nick Jonas! I am getting tired and need my beauty sleep! Until Tomorrow....