Saturday, November 12, 2011


I just got home from a birthday party. Everything was going okay unitl it came time to eat the birthday cake. i was pretty proud of myself because I did not call my mom and calculate my carbs for the cake and candy. i decided I wanted to do it myself. The party was a few houses down from mine so i knew if i messed up my Mom could help me. Anyway, I went into the bathroom to pull my novolog,aka insulin, and give myself a shot so no one would see or tease me. If you remember the last party I told you about a boy thought he would be cool and made fun of me calling me a druggie in front of everyone. I cried and it made me fell horrible.

Anyway, i took my shot and came out. As soon as I got my cake and ice cream I gobbled it up.I decided to go back for seconds and when i did, the Mom stopped me and said "are you sure you should have seconds?" I said "I took a shot and I'm okay". She then went on that she knew all about diabetes because she has a diabetic friend who just ate whatever he wanted blah, blah, blah , blah, blah!!! I told her I could have sugar especially because I just took a shot for it. She would not let me have anymore! She said I know sugar is not good for everyone but especially not for Diabetics!!!!! C'mon!!! I hate it!!! It goes two ways. Either people don't know don't care or they think they are the professional and tell me what to do. If she had just asked me if I was okay and needed any help I would have been okay. But to tell me NO and not let me have seconds. She made me feel like a dummy!

I am just sick of it! I just wish people would just let me be......and NOT TREAT ME DIFFERENT!!!
Until tomorrow....

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