Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Welcome to Diabetes!

Hi and welcome to my blog. My name is Avery and I am 11 years old. I am in 6th grade and have Type 1 Diabetes. I decided to make this blog to share my life and battle with Diabetes. I know there are alot of kids out there with Diabetes so i hope to share stories and give them comfort as well as educating those who do not have it.
I was diagnosed Novemeber 17th, 2010. I had been sick for at least a year but the doctores kept telling my mom I had mono. My Mom knew something else was wrong. I had been sick for a week and everyone kept telling my mom it was the flu. On November 17th, I can remember being so sick and my mom scooping me out of bed and taking me to the doctors. It was then they told me my blood sugar count was 789. To those of you who don't know, that's high because average is around 120. My Mom started to cry because she knew Diabetes was tough and bad news.
I was admitted to the hospital with DKA (Diabetic Ketoacidosis), which is when your organs start to fail and you are badly dehydrated. I just remember being so sick then feeling better after they gave me insulin. I did not even mind the IV, that's how sick I was. My Mom and I had to stay in the hospital 4 days and were filled with so much information. I have to be honest and say I was scared and did not want to leave the hospital. I did not know how I was gonna go on.
You see, Diabetics don't have normal days. We have to poke out fingers several times a day to regulate or blood sugar. My pancreas no longer makes Beta cells and that's what your body needs to make energy (sugar). So, it's my responsibility to keep my sugar between 100 and 150. I'm not gonna lie, it's hard. I can't just go to the cupboard and eat a snack. I have to test and maybe take a shot before I eat it. This is hard when I go out to eat or go to a birthday party.
The biggest misunderstanding people have about Type 1 Diabetes is that I cannot eat sugar, which is wrong! I can eat sugar I just have to count carbs in everything I eat because your body breaks down the carbs and makes it sugar (energy).
I don't know much about Type 2 because I don't have it but I know they still have the Beta cells but their body cannot use them that well because most times they are overweight and the fat is the cause. That is why Type 2 Diabetics can take pills and I have to take shot. My shots are filled with Novalog which is not a cure but helps me maintain and saves my life. I have to take Novalog before each meal and sometimes with snacks. I then take Lantus at night. It is another kind of insulin but it's 24 hour lasting and helps me through the night. I don't like Lantus because it HURTS and STINGS!! :( But, I have to do it or I could die! If my blood sugar goes too high it hurts organs and cells in my body. If I go too low, I shake, sweat and get confused. If I go too low I can go into a Diabetic coma and die! Scary!!
I have to admit, I cry sometimes because I get so frustrated. People tease me, look at me weird and think I have something they can catch. I say people and not kids because alot of adults have no idea either. That is why I decided to blog. I want to not only vent my frustrations but i want to educate others and be a support to other kids with Diabetes. I feel weird sometimes and can't understand why. My doctor does not even understand. Though he is smart about it, he has never had it and does not understand what I go through everyday emotionally and physically. That is why my Mom said to Blog it.


  1. Salut, j'ai vu votre blog et j'ai vu comment tu es brave, je vous souhaite bonne chance de la France!

    your sis

  2. AvyBaby-
    You are so cute. Your posts will inspire so many. Keep up the good work. We are behind you and support you. My son was diagnosed at 3 years old (july 2009). He won't know any different. I admire the older ones like you b/c you did know different. Branson's Dr. has Type 1. Dr. Swinyard in S. Jordan. He knows what it's like. Just remember when you are down, you aren't the only one and you need to be strong for all of us. You're awesome! Keep it up.
    Cheri Botkin
