Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Good Day!

Today was a good day, no bad day. My blood sugar has been all over the map. For no reason! It started last night when my blood sugar was 380. My Mom gave me a correction dose. A correction dose is when you have to take insulin to get you back to your normal range. Normally when you take insulin you get to eat but with a correction does it's just a shot. Can't enjoy anything after the shot.

Anyway, after the correction does you are suppose to check your blood sugar again within 30 minutes. I fell asleep and my Mom had to wake me up. I know she does not sleep until she knows I am in a good number. Anyway, when she woke me up I tested again and was 400. 400!!! Insulin is suppose to bring you down not up. My Mom was too scared to give me another correction dose.I'm sure she checked me all night.

School went okay but then I was low. I was 263 right before lunch. So at this time I would take a correction dose plus ad up the carbs of what I will eat for lunch. I even have recess after lunch so I have to remember I will be exercising and will burn some energy and don't want to go low. So after lunch and recess when I go back to class I check my blood sugar to make sure I did my carbs right. I was 200. A little high but I can slide with that number. It was no more then 30 minutes later I started to sweat and get really dizzy. I was tripping because I knew I just checked. But, I checked again and it was 53 this time. Crazy!

I know alot of you think maybe it's my meter but it's not. My meter is accurate. One time, a few weeks ago, we were in the movies and we tried to calculate the carbs for the popcorn and candy i was going to have. Towards the end of the movie I felt high. My Mom and i went to the bathroom to check and my blood sugar was 305. My Mom gave me my correction dose and even a little more cause she said I could eat more candy if I went low. After the movie was over, an hour later I still did not feel well. I checked my blood sugar and my meter said HI. My meter has never said that and i was scared to death. My Mom had me check several times and the meter kept saying HI. My Mom told me to check her blood sugar to make sure the meter was working. It took her blood sugar fine and said she was normal. My Mom rushed me to the hospital and my blood sugar was 573!!! 573 even after the two correction doses my Mom gave me. I had to have an IV and stay several hours in the hospital to get my blood sugar under control.

While in the hospital I checked my blood sugar on my meter and the nurse did it on her's and they were the same. I learned that if my meter reads HI that is bad!! Very bad!!!

But everything turned out to be fine and I am doing the best I can to try and keep my body even. It is hard and I get frustrated. I sometimes wish I could have a day off. Just one day not to have to worry, take a shot or poke myself. But that's okay cause today is a good day and I'm having fun with my family. I love my family. We are gonna watch a show then go to bed. Until tomorrow...

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