Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Crappy, no good , bad day!

So let me tell you what my day was like. It started out last night before bedtime. My blood sugar was over 285 the first time and I had to take a correction insulin shot before bed. Remember normal is between 100 and 150. I was tired and fell asleep but had to be woken up a half hour later to recheck my blood sugar. When I re checked it, it was still high. In fact it was over 300. So, I had to take another shot and be woken up another half hour after that. 

This is not normal every night but  I was high because I have a cold and when diabetics get sick our bodies does not absorb the insulin like it should. So that means, more shots. Blah!! I feel bad for my Mom cause I get mad at her when she has to wake me up and re test. And even more mad when I have to have a shot. What kids likes a shot and especially when your sleepy? I don't mean to yell at my Mom but I get so frustrated! No one knows how I feel. Then, on top of all that, I worry that with the extra insulin I take my body might kick in and make it's own insulin and I can go low. My pancreas still makes insulin somtimes on it's own. It has not died yet! The scare is I will go low during my sleep, fall into a coma and die! I know this scares the heck out of my Mom and she does not sleep.

So, my day started bad because I was so tired. It did not help that one of my friends was mean to me and the cafeteria food was gross today and I did not know until I started to eat it. That's a problem for me being diabetic because before I eat lunch I have to count carbs and then eat everything I took a shot for. So when I go and eat and the lunch is gross I have to eat it or take the chance of going low. Who looks at their food and decides before they eat it how much of it they will eat? It sucks! Sometimes I'm more hungry and sometimes I'm not as hungry as I think I am. So if I want second's I have to take another shot. If I'm not as hungry as I thought, I have to force myself to eat. So when you eat dinner tonight look at your plate and decide how much your gonna eat. See if you eat exactly what you think. You can think of me while your doing that. :)

So, because lunch sucked I did not eat it all and was low.Being low is terrible. It makes me feel crappy. I had to drink a juice today after lunch when I did not even feel like it. That's the other sucky part is when your low and feeling horrible you have to force yourself to eat or drink something. But it also sucks being high because when your high you get very hungry. I mean very hungry. You feel like you can eat everything in the whole world....but can't. It's such a game and I always have to play even though I'm sick of it and don't want to play anymore.

But, there are two good things. Tomorrow my 6th grade class is going on an overnight field trip. I only get to go because my Mom is going with me. So I won't be able to blog tomorrow but will be excited to tell you how it went on Friday. I'm not nervous to go because my Mom will be there. I would not be able to go if she did not go because there is no nurse and no one else knows how to help me.

The other good thing is that tonight I get to go to church for activity days and make pillows. I'm excited.

I think I'm gonna go take a nice hot bath to make me feel better. Baths are a treat cause i can't take them all the time. If you are in a hot bath or spa for too long it can make your blood sugar go low very fast. So, as always, I get to test my blood sugar before i get into the bath to make sure I can take one. So see you on Friday.


  1. Avery, i am so excited with your blog, you are so smart, bubbly, cute, and i love you! I am sorry for last night, but i hope you feel better soon!!!!
    Congratulations for your blog!!!!


  2. Loved your blog! You're a great writer!
    And I also could learn a lot about diabetes reading it... you sounds like a little doctor explainning everything :)

    Hope you feel better tonight!
    Hugs from Brazil,
