Friday, September 23, 2011


Thank goodness it's Friday!! It's been a good week. Things are going well at school. My friends are awesome and support me. They all know I'm diabetic and accept me for who I am. They even run and get me a juice when I am low. It's nice to know they are always watching me and there for me.

I like the way my friends ask about my diabetes. It's funny because they say things like "do you mind if I ask you". Or people ask me all the time if it hurts taking a shot. When I was at camp we had a circle and my friends were telling things about themselves. One of the girls said she hated needles and the whole group looked at me like she had insulted me. I just laughed and everyone laughed with me.

I'm excited because i have a birthday party tomorrow and we are going swimming at a pond. My friend asked me if I was going to be okay going. I love that she asked but i want to prove to everyone i can do it and i can be just like them. I think the best part about diabetes is educating others about it. So they won't treat me like a type 2. Remember type 1 and type 2 are very different. In fact, they should not even have the same name!!! If you don't know what I'm talking about read my first blog.

I'm getting tired and need my sleep for my big day tomorrow. Until tomorrow....

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