Monday, September 19, 2011

Whew....what a weekend!

Sorry, I have not blogged since Thursday but it has been a very busy weekend.

The first thing that happened was my over night 6th grade field trip. We went to Clear Creek which is in the mountains of Scofield. The camp was awesome and a ton of fun. It was not at all what I thought it was going to be. We actually got to sleep in cabins and do lots of fun things. The whole camp and all of the games were about working together as a team. I had so much fun. Thank goodness my Mom went because I had no idea how much carbs were in the meals because they did not have a nutritional guide. Can you believe the school did not have a nutritional guide? I would have thought the school would have know I was coming and at least have something ready for me.

The most embarrasing part was taking my Lantus shot at night. I take my Lantus in my butt because it stings and hurts. So my Mom had to cover my butt with my bathrobe to give me my shot. It was so embarrassing! There was no where else that was private to take it. But, I took it and went to bed. We slept on bunks and my Mom slept right under me. I think she wanted to be close because she was worried. I was low before bed and had to eat a treat.

The next day we did lots of physical games like, dodgeball, volleyball and a ropes course. My Mom and I had to make sure my carbs were a little high so I could play and not worry about going low. We did pretty well with no major problems. The only bad thing that happened was I was bitten on the neck by a wasp. OUCH!!! It hurt so bad. I did not even do anything to agitate it! Mt Mom said it was a vampire Wasp. I still have the bump on my neck! I think my Mom was nervous that I would have some sort of reaction but I did not.

It was only over night so we came home on Friday. When we got home I was going to blog but I was so tired I took a nap and even went to bed early. I felt like I had been run over by a bus!!! But it was so much fun I would do it again!

Then, on Saturday my Mom surprised us by taking us to Lagoon. lagoon is an amusement park here in Utah. It has roller coasters and lots of fun things to do. I was worried because I was going to again have to count my carbs and make sure I did not go low. I knew they would not have a nutritional guide at Lagoon. So, I talked it over with my Mom and decided it would be best to pack a lunch.

On the car ride to Lagoon I felt high which meant I had to pee and felt very, very hungry and thirsty. But, I knew I wanted to be a little high that way I would not go low so I could feel comfortable riding the rides and walking the park. I did not tell my Mom because I knew she would worry.

We arrived  and started to ride some roller coasters. After riding a few of the coasters I felt very low and told my Mom I needed to check right away. Turns out, I was 220!! I was not low but just dizzy and a little motion sick. So just think how I feel every time I'm low. I know how to explain it now. I will just say it feels like I got off a coaster. I'm sure you all have had that feeling. The sucky part is that I feel that way at least one time a day....everyday.

We had an awesome day and had nothing major go wrong. Eating dinner was breeze and we rode the coaster Wicked three times in a row right before the park closed! Do I need to tell you when I got in the car I felt low! But I new it was not the diabetes but motion sickness. I held on to the McDonalds bag all the way home. Thankfully, I did not have to use it.

Sunday, again I felt like I had been hit by a bus. I laid on the couch all day long like a big ole baby. What I think I have learned is that Diabetes affects my whole body. I really have to watch what I do and make sure I get enough rest. I have to really take care of myself so Diabetes does not take care of me. That's what my Papa and Nona say all the time.

Though I do not like having Diabetes I am glad it I manage it and still do fun things. It could be worse....

Mom is yelling at me to go to bed now. I need my beauty sleep!! Until tomorrow...

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